Full-stack JS Workshop Preview

In this tutorial, we’re going to build a web app using using Meteor and React.

The app we'll build

Finished version of the app


  • Basic knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and use of a command line terminal.
  • A laptop with a code editor of your choice. We’ll be using Sublime Text.
  • Be sure to install Meteor. We’ll be using Mac OSX. However, Meteor is available for Windows and Linux as well.

Getting Started

Each step in the tutorial has a corresponding branch in the github repo. I highly recommend that you create the app on your own, but if you should get stuck, you can always check out the branch from the previous step to get caught up.

Getting caught up using git branches.

  1. Clone the tutorial: git clone https://github.com/CodeChron/fullstack-js-preview.git
  2. Cd into the tutorial project: cd dir name
  3. Pull down all branches: git fetch --all
  4. View available branches: git branch -a
  5. Check out a specific branch: git checkout origin/[branchname] eg git checkout origin/setup

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